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Really bad Hungarian: a tiny lang...

From:Robert Jung <robertmjung@...>
Date:Thursday, January 1, 2004, 21:41
I just rediscovered this on my hard drive...

(Some Hungarian - Magyar - translation included here; I'm too lazy to look for the
other ones. ' = acute, : = trema, ~ = double acute, ` = grave)

Ma' Ga Ri (Magari): A Vietnamese/Hungarian Hybrid: Overview


English: Ma' Ga Ri: Magyar

yes: inga`: igen
no: na^im: nem
thank you: ko'so`n ti: ko:szo:no:m
you're welcome: nga^noba: szi'veszen
hot: fo'ra: forro'
cold: hyde'ge': hideg
rice: ri'sa: rizs
beet: ta`se'kyla: : ce'kla
bread: ky^nhure': kenye'r
squash: toky: to:k
pumpkin: ta'ky: to:k
school: si`kola: iskola
ink: tinta: tinta
oven: so^to: su:to~
kitchen: konha: konya
fire: tu'za`: tu:z
president: le'kinga`: elno:k
government: e^ilan
begin: ke'sodi'
describe: lei'nh
learn: ta'nrusa'
sing: ngo^ikong
vocabulary: so'kinsu': szo'kincs
game: iatei'nhe`: ja'te'k
season: ngi`sa'ngu'
sun: zo'li`: nap
moon: hu'la^i: hold
star: senhou`
good: yo: jo'
bad: ro`ze': rossz
big: nadi: nagy
small: kasi': kis
tall: mage`sa': magas
short: ali'so'nhe^
fat: iasuku'
thin: merinhi
beautiful/nice: seipa': sze'p
ugly: ???
age: e^ileko'u
boy: fi'u: fiu'
girl: la`nh: la'ny

    *vocab slightly edited*

Not much, but still weird! I might work on it more. Opinions? Suggestions for a grammar?
