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Re: Types of possession

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Saturday, December 17, 2005, 0:44

Jefferson Wilson <jeffwilson63@...> writes:
>... > Now, "hand of mine," "house of mine," and "wife of mine" are all going > to be different possessives. What should I call them and what other > forms of possession should I define? The GA can also define more > specific forms of possession which fit inside the lexical space of > less specific forms, so the field for definitions is currently wide > open.
When doing Tyl Sjok, I gathered a few: Maybe this helps. But note that for Tyl Sjok, I had a rather broad view on what I call 'genitive'. At least it might be some input for working out your system. Qthyn|gai also has some more and distinguishes: my book - the book I own - possessive my book - the book I created/wrote - ablative/initiative This 'initiative', however, is different to what it means under the above link, where it's 'driver of the car'. Sorry for the mess of naming... Have you thought about alienable (my car) vs. inalienable (my leg) possessives? **Henrik


Jefferson Wilson <jeffwilson63@...>