>Today's www.salon.com has an article on "Incubus," which is probably the
>only full-length film (a fantasy horror story about demons) where the
>dialogue is entirely in a conlang. To wit, Esperanto.
A story on "Incubus" was also featured recently on National Public
Radio. Included were interviews with the filmmakers and a short audio
clip of Shatner speaking some of his dialogue. He sounded pretty good,
>Hmm... Incubus, Esperanto... Probably the next major film to feature a
>conlang was the Trek movie which first used Okrand's Klingon, and which
>also starred Shatner. (I forget which one actually had Klingon in it)...
Klingon made its premier in Star Trek III: Search for Spock. There
were more extensive passages in Star Treks V and VI.
>I'm waiting for the Lojban version of Buckaroo Banzai, myself. :)
I'm holding out for the all-Rikchik remake of "Pillow Talk".