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Re: Examples #5: Translate the One Ring poem

From:JC <jcolrich-dreams@...>
Date:Thursday, January 20, 2005, 2:37
> Three Rings for Elven-kings under the sky. > Seven for Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone. > Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die. > One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne. > In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. > One Ring to rule them all. > One Ring to find them all. > One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. > In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
This is a fairly literal translation into Mejanyo. There are elves, though not Tolkiensque ones. No dwarfs, so I translated that as mountain lords. Mordor became shadow-land. nyoxaetsekil pethera nebe nevereloli shela crenado, olara koianaloli rogeno pahetadoli ta rolo, lotora inokololi emi shafrotsekil breth, epara enkoilot zaofalo marokwodot zaofado, cradejorodo vaes zoinyoton joroli. pethet epa koisio grera, pethet epa fapanao, pethet epa tajenao grera bisa fratal inzaofado, cradejorodo vaes zoinyoton joroli. nyoxaetsekil pethera nebe nevereloli shela crenado, [intend-ppart-v-pres-pl ring-acc-sg three elf-leader-dat-pl under sky-loc] Three rings are intended for elven leaders under the sky olara koianaloli rogeno pahetadoli ta rolo, [seven-acc leader-dat-pl mountain-range-gen fortress-loc-pl of-parts stone-dat] seven for leaders of the mountains in fortresses made of stone lotora inokololi emi shafrotsekil breth, [nine-acc human-dat-pl who aor-kill-ppart-pres-sg time-nom] nine for humans who are killed by time epara enkoilot zaofalo marokwodot zaofado, [one-acc lord-dat-def dark-dat throne-loc-def dark-loc] one for the dark lord on the dark throne cradejorodo vaes zoinyoton joroli. [land-shadow-loc where creep-pres-pl shadow-nom-pl] in the shadow-land where shadows creep pethet epa koisio grera, pethet epa fapanao, [ring-nom-def one rule-apart all-acc, ring-nom one find-apart] one ring ruling all, one ring finding [them] pethet epa tajenao grera bisa fratal inzaofado, [ring-nom-def one pull-to-apart all-acc and tie-apart darkness-loc] one ring drawing all and tying [them] in darkness cradejorodo vaes zoinyoton joroli. [land-shadow-loc where creep-pres-pl shadow-nom-pl] in the shadow-land where shadows creep -- JC