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Re: Male and female animals

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, October 28, 2002, 16:15
Herman Miller wrote:

>for example, Arabic has distinct words for male and female camels >
Supposedly there are even words for female camels in varying stages of pregnancy, though it may be a linguistic myth, like Eskimo words for snow......
>On the other hand, it might be interesting to do without specific words >entirely, even for humans! So "woman" would be "she-human" (urvi^va) and >"buck" would be "he-deer" (mi^vo.^sa).
This is the Malay/Indonesian strategy-- however, you distinguish human and animal terms: orang laki-laki 'man', orang perempuan 'woman'; anak laki2/perempuan 'son/daughter' and so on.....But there are gendered forms for grandparents and aunts/uncles kerbau jantan 'male buffalo', kerbau betina 'fem. buffalo', ayam jantan/betina 'rooster/hen' and so on. *laki and *(t)ina are old AN terms for 'man, husband' and 'mother' resp. Perempuan appears to be a derivation of *@mpu 'master, ancestor; term of respect' and seems to be restricted to Malay*, as is obscure jantan. (*I don't know-- but it may be used in closely related Minang-Kabau; they are matrilineal.) You also distinguish pregnancy-- hamil (< Arabic) for women, bunting for animals. Likewise in Kash: kaç sinut 'man', kaç luma 'woman', except that these are rather technical; common usage has modified them to kaçut, kaçuma. Animals: ...vayi [vaj] 'male', ....pete 'female'. But for the Cousins, I think they will use the human terms.