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Re: trigger langs: More than one verb in a sentence?

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Thursday, August 26, 2004, 10:42

On Wed 25 August 2004 08:38 (GMT+1), B. Garcia wrote:

 > So, i've been restructuring Saalangal, and i'm a bit
 > stuck on how to go about working with the triggers on
 > sentences like:
 > "I used the book to teach him". Obviously one of the
 > verbs takes a trigger (in this case the instrumental (as
 > the act was performed using the book). But i'm not sure
 > whether is should be "used", or  "to teach"? I thought
 > that maybe both would take the trigger, indicating they
 > are verbs, but then I thought "maybe not?".

Tricky, but not impossible. Ayeri would do that with an
instrumental construction, where "using the book" would be
simply "the-book.INST". Of course, the sentence must be
changed a little: "I taught him with (= using) the book".
The interlinear would be e.g.

   The-book.TRG(inani) TRG:INST past.teach.(1sg.AGT) he.PAT.

"E.g." because it depends where you put the trigger of
course. For the translation of the above sentence, let's
assume that "to teach" = "ganao" --- I haven't had a word
for that yet.

   Coya-on eri ma-gan-ay-ang iyà-aris
   Coyaon  eri maganayang    iyâris.

Nevertheless, there are more tricky sentences, e.g. the one
with the man removing the mountain that Trebor came up with
some weeks ago.


Eri silveváng aibannama padangin.
Nivaie evaenain eri ming silvoieváng caparei.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince