On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, andrew wrote:
>Wrestling with the maps has caused half an hour of anguish. This would
>be my responsa - Tavrobel is definately within Kemr, probably in the
>province of lla Ferch (the March). Mindon Gwar is less happy. It lies
>virtually on the border, probably on the English side. In a more
>violent age it has changed hands several times.
I say we take it back! Quit messing with maps - it's heigh! for the
Long March to the Sea! :)
>> According to Padraig's post, there was a German Empire which seems to me
>> to have caused trouble *there* as well even if they weren't Nazis. So
>> perhaps the German borrowings exist in Nur-ellen *there* as well?
>So it appears. No one has wandered across the Channel that far to find
>out yet.
Load of bloody foreigners.
>On other issues the idea that Great Britain could move from union to
>federalism within its parts in a European Union led me to introduce the
>Federated Kingdom *there*, possibly accompanied by a pro-Europe
>sentiment. (Although the idea that the Europeans there still work off
>stress by beating up their neighbours could be an interesting one :)
>- andrew.
>Andrew Smith, Intheologus hobbit@earthlight.co.nz
> Jesus Christ is raging, raging in the streets.