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Re: Rating Languages

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Friday, September 28, 2001, 1:49
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:05:14 EDT David Peterson <DigitalScream@...>
> In a message dated 9/26/01 6:30:44 AM, draqonfayir@JUNO.COM writes: > << Yup... > "SabaaH alxayr" is "good morning", and then "SabaaH alnuur" is its > response, "morning of light".
> Oh, right! Oops! I made a mistake on my Arabic joke. :) I, > for some > reason, thought you'd written "SabaaH alfuul", to which I was going > to write > "SabaaH alful". ;) > -David
- Okay, i know that one of those is some kind of food, but what's the other one? I've heard of people who joke "SabaaH alnuum" when trying to wake someone up -Stephen (Steg) "aroo?"