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Re: The write direction (was: Interesting Brain/Language Nugget of Info)

From:alypius <krazyal@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 29, 1999, 5:18
>Elsewhere in the same book (Language and Symbolic Systems), he says: >"I often speculate whether an ideal writing system would not be some golden >mean between the unwieldy thousands of arbitrary units and the paltry few >letters of the Latin alphabet. To make a wild guess at the optimum number >of symbols, if we take say the geometric mean between the number of letters >of the Latin alphabet and the number of one of the sets of basic characters >of 1000 or 1100, it will come out to a list of roughly 170 symbols, which >seems to be a list of manageable size."
I like this idea aesthetically, but how does one accomodate 170 symbols on a computer keyboard? ~alypius