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From:Matthew Pearson <matthew.pearson@...>
Date:Friday, November 9, 2001, 17:32
--- You wrote:

My main worry is about the pacing. I fear it will be more
like Braveheart than Kurosawa or Barry Lyndon; can a mere
three films with blockbuster aspirations be sufficient to
convey the majesty and grandeur? I also fear a surfeit of
nauseating celtickry. But am daring to hope these fears,
like the others, will prove unjustified.
--- end of quote ---

I share your concerns. I fear that it will end up looking like an SCA convention
gone awry--or be perceived that way by the general public. I have a strong
aversion to what I call People-in-Funny-Hats movies. The recent sci-fi channel
adaptation of "Dune" comes to mind. (Actually, I confess I kind of liked
"Dune", but the preponderance of Funny Hats was a distraction.)

As for the pacing, keep in mind that they'll probably be abridging the story
quite a bit. I hear they've cut out Tom Bombadil entirely--which is a shame
given his importance to Tolkien's conception of the Ring, but probably wise,
since it would be hard to translate the Bombadil episode to film without making
it look silly.


Matt Pearson
Department of Linguistics
Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97202 USA
ph:  503-771-1112 (x 7618)


The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>