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Re: Con/natlang phonologies

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, March 7, 2004, 5:24
(Re Trebor's project)
I'll also look into the two URLs you give. For Trebor's info, additionally, it
might save alot of effort if he can locate C. F. Hockett's "Manual of
Phonology" published as a supplement to the Intl. Journal of American
Linguistics back in the 60s if not earlier. It basically lists the phonemic
system of every language then in the IJAL's database (and there were lots); I
believe IJAL also published a "languages of the world" sort of thing at one
time, a lot of the data came from Master's and PhD theses by students at
Indiana University.

I'm not sure if IJAL is still in existence; in its day it was very important, esp.
as a source of data/analysis of Native American languages.

David Peterson wrote: 
  Before you get a flood of Natlang phonologies, let me point you to this website:

 Though it's not complete yet, their is to collect the phonology (among other
things) of every natural language that exists or existed. There are problems
with it, though. I keep trying to submit a .pdf of the Hawaiian phonology, and
it never works. Also, the page loads really slowly. Or...not at all, as I've
just tried to load it. Hmm... It did exist; I swear!

  Here's another website:

 It's got the basic "phonology" of all the languages it lists, and the
frequency of usage, but you get no phonological rules, or even any kind of
phonetic transcription (it appears to be in orthography or romanization).
Still, it'll give you a good idea of the phonologies of the languages listed.

  I'm sure there other websites like these.



Danny Wier <dawiertx@...>