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Re: Inspirational languages

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Monday, January 15, 2007, 17:58
H.S.Teoh asked:
> <ObConlang> Any other con/natlangs that have such fine distinctions in a > verb based just on the case of the nouns, like учить/учиться? > </ObConlang> >
Kash: nimbur 'remember' -- with obj. in the genitive, refers to permanent memory, something "engraved in one's memory"; with obj. in the (inanim.) acc./(anim.) dat. refers to casual/transitory events: manimbur kotaçi amayi... 'I remember the words of my father...' yunda minimbutro lerowi tirak yu 'We shall always remember that terrible day.' leñ na, yanimbur poren 'oh good, he remembered [to bring] the wine' aka hanimbur ereke? 'did you remember [to include/invite] Erek? Similarly, cuta 'forget' with gen. obj. implies totally/deliberately forgetting/repressing something, putting it out of one's mind (assuming that's really possible); with acc/dat obj. casual temporary forgetfulness-- mende macuta minayi, sisayimi kumesa 'I have forgotten [about] Mina, my first lover' macayi macuta simonini poren 'I must forget the taste of wine' (something a reforming alcoholic might say) e, micuta minaye 'hey, we forgot Mina' (we were supposed to pick her up) levumbri, macuta lekramondi 'I'm sorry, I forgot your birthday'