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Re: Diglossia (was Re: Nur-ellen in the world of Brithenig)

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 12, 2000, 15:18
> From: John Cowan > > Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote: > > > In fact, the Standard German spoken in Northern Germany is actually > > quite Standard, because the local dialects are a different language. > > The problem is Bavarians, Austrians and that lot, who think their > > regional variants of High German are intelligible to people who have > > learnt Standard German as a second language. > > In short, Standard German is essentially southern grammar and lexis > with northern phonology. (Added.)
"Essentially" may be too strong a term, at least as far as my Northern German wife is concerned. One of our friends is from the south and I have noted quite a few lexical differences in her speech as well as phonological ones. My wife's family are all from Niedersachsen and they speak the same language that I learned in university here in the States. Quite Standard indeed. David David E. Bell The Gray Wizard "Wisdom begins in wonder." - Socrates