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Re: Diglossia (was Re: Nur-ellen in the world of Brithenig)

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 1:40
On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:46:40 -0400 Robert Hailman <robert@...>
> That's true, as I learned the hard way when I was in Bavaria this > summer. Of course, ich habe fur nur zwei Jahre Deutsch gelernt, so > it > could have been just as much my lack of German skills as it was > their > unintelligible dialect. > > -- > Robert
- If i understand your German correctly, "to learn" isn't reflexive? In Yiddish it's _lernen *zix*_. (i.e., "Ix hob gelernt zix yidiš çvei yohr in šule"). But then again, if you've learned German for 2 years and have a lack of skills, i've only learned Yiddish for one - and that was more than a year ago. (The _gelernt_ and _zix_ might have to be switched in that sentece) -Stephen (Steg) "my soul has grown deep like the rivers." ~ langston hughes