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Re: Constructed Religions

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, January 4, 1999, 0:58
Padraic Brown wrote:
> The religion itself was divided into several layers, > depending upon how involved any individual wished to be:
In my current idea of the Faith has multiple levels as well, but mostly by age. The first level is the Water Level, anyone born into the Faith is born into that Level. For those born into it, the amniotic fluid is the Water. Upon becoming an adult, one is promoted to the Fire Level (or perhaps Ash Level), a rite of passage involving fire (or ash, I'm not sure which is positive). Priestesses are promoted to the Air Level, a ritual involving the blowing of air upon the individual by a priest. Exceptional persons, upon their death, are believed to go to the Spirit Level, a ritual carried out by the Goddess herself, involving her breathing her spirit upon the individual. There is great speculation on who is promoted to that level, but there are a list of people who are believed to have returned in their Spirit Level forms to reveal their promotion. They escape the cycle of reincarnation. They are something like saints in Protestant (not Catholic) theology, holy individuals, who are respected and venerated, but not worshipped. -- "Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia." -- Joseph Wood Krutch ICQ #: 18656696 AOL screen-name: NikTailor