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Re: Constructed Religions

From:Terrence Donnelly <pag000@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 30, 1998, 23:36
At 01:06 PM 12/30/98 +0100, Kristian wrote:
> I'm sure many of you guys/gals have >created belief systems to accompany the con-culture speaking your >respective conlangs. So here I am asking, what are your religions >like?
I actually devised my language, Vogu, to support a religion I was inventing, so I could make up consistent terminology. After that, I liked the people, the Kadane, so much, that I put together the rest of their culture and the world which contained them, fleshing out the language as I went along. The Kadane are enthusiastic polytheists (3000+ gods so far!). They worship 3 classes of gods: Sky and Earth Gods (who are similar to the Greek or Hindu gods of natural phenomena or abstract virtues), and Mountain Gods (who are similar to Catholic saints in practice). Sky and Earth gods are the "original" gods of the Kadane, and are referred to in the Kadane epic scriptures. Mountain Gods were originally mortals, elevated to divine status by their devotees after their death. Behind them all is the Good God, who is the ultimate Creator, but who currently takes a "hands-off" attitude towards the world. There is a tension in Kadane religion between the good gods, who serve Arta (the principle of cosmic harmony) and those who serve chaos (or evil). Among the Mountain Gods, the god Prabaset, last Emperor of the Kadane Empire, is the major good guy and leader of all the forces of Arta. Mortals can serve Arta by correct ritual observance and by ethical behavior. The main ritual places of the Kadane are Wawatranu, or Mountain Temple, and the nastadurs, or Fire Temples. Wawatranu is a giant artificial mountain made up of shrines to all the Mountain Gods (in fact, one becomes a mountain God simply by having a shrine built on Wawatranu by ones followers). Prabaset's burial mound is at the base of Wawatranu. The nastadurs are the local temples in which the Kadane rituals are performed. The basic ritual is that of the Fire Sacrifice, where liquids (usually water or liquor) are poured onto a consecrated fire. There are also lots of festivals and private rites. Many Mountain Gods are the founders of particular "Ways" of spiritual observance. The Mountain god Paglatl, for example, founded a mystical school based on estatic dancing, drumming and chanting of the Ninety-Nine Virtues of the Gods. Kadane religion is very democratic (some would say anarchic), and there are lots of variations on the Ways and rituals, but these are the general outlines of the shared belief system. There's more, if you're interested, at -- Terry