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Re: translation exercise

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Sunday, April 7, 2002, 17:42
On 6 Apr 02, at 21:22, Christian Thalmann wrote:

> Here's an easy one to sink your teeth into.
It was indeed easy. Since the sentence structure was so simple, and there were so few (and fairly common) words, I had a go at translating it into as many Mark Rosenfelder languages as I could ;) Pity that I couldn't make proto-Eastern (the reconstructed proto-language that's the ancestor of most of the languages on his web site), mostly because I couldn't find "voice", "say", "bad", or the conjugation of "to be". The Verdurian I'm fairly confident about, and then it gets a bit less and less certain as I get less familiar with the languages and the languages are less fully described and/or have weirder syntax.
> A voice said to me: > "Smile and be happy! > Things could be worse!" > So I smiled > And was happy. > And things got worse.
Verdurian: (Here, /r/ makes [4], a single-tap r; /J/ is left-tail n as in Spanish año or Italian bagno) Vuá sen mizhe: /vu"a sEn "miZE/ "Rizireu er esanei lerezhe! /Rizi"rEu Er Esa"nEi lE"rEZE/ Shozî epcelu esan mudhe durnëi!"/"SozI Ep"kElu "Esan "muDE dur"JEi/ Urë ridru /u"rjE "ridru/ Er fuai lerezhe. /Er fu"ai lE"rEZE/ Er shozî osnu mudhe durnëi. /Er "SozI "osnu "muDE dur"JEi/ Voice to-me said: Smile and be happy! Things could be more bad! Therfore I-smiled And was happy. And things became more bad. Cadhinor: (no IPA for Cadhinor and Cuêzi as I haven't got a good description handy) Vua seon emu: "Ridu er kar esi! Scosit avecorit estont!" Duha ridie Er kar fuio. Er scosit avecorit olociont. (STAT = static aspect; DEF = definite mood; REM = remote mood) voice.NOM.SG I.DAT.SG say.STAT.DEF.PAST.1SG smile.STAT.REM.IMP.2SG and happy.MASC.NOM.SG be.STAT.REM.IMP.2SG thing.NOM.PL worse.MASC.NOM.PL be.STAT.REM.PRES.3PL therefore smile.STAT.DEF.PAST.1SG and happy.MASC.NOM.SG be.STAT.DEF.PAST.1SG and thing.NOM.PL worse.MASC.NOM.PL become.STAT.DEF.PAST.3PL "A voice said to me: 'Smile and be happy! Things may be worse!' So I smiled and was happy. And things became worse." Cuêzi: Gori se:nu missu: "Ridile:ur fual:ei-to ami:sibodê! Fualine utûtâte! Co:i baridir Bafuyo-to ami:sibodê. Ton bafua: utûtâte. (ACT = active voice; PERF = perfect aspect; IMP = imperfect aspect; DEF = definite mood; REM = remote mood; INC = inceptive; COMP = comparative) voice.NOM.SG I.MASC.DAT.SG say.ACT.PERF.DEF.PAST.3SG smile.ACT.IMP.DEF.FUT be.ACT.IMP.DEF.FUT-and joyful.MASC.NOM.SG be.ACT.IMP.REM.FUT bad.COMP.MASC.NOM.SG therefore smile.INC.ACT.IMP.DEF.PAST.1SG be.INC.ACT.IMP.DEF.PAST.1SG-and joyful and be.INC.ACT.IMP.DEF.PAST.3SG bad.COMP.MASC.NOM.SG "A voice said to me: 'Smile and be joyful! It may be worse!' Therefore I began to smile and to be joyful and it began to be worse. (Cuêzi's verbal inflection system is a "joy" -- there are up to 576 distinct lexical forms for each verb due to the possible combinations of voices, moods, tenses, aspects, and the possibility of causative and inceptive forms.) Barakhinei: Fu sû shpakhâ: /fu sU "Spax{/ "Rid êr ez lerchê! /rid Er ez "lertSE/ Shkozi epezmê eza avekuri!" /"Skozi e"pezmE "eza ave"kuri/ Odi ridi /"odi "ridi/ E fuch lerchê. /e futS "lertSE/ E shkozi olokîn avekuri. /e "Skozi olo"kIn ave"kuri/ (IMP = imperative, SUBJ = subjunctive; INF = infinitive) voice.NOM.SG I.DAT.SG say.PAST.3SG smile.IMP and be.IMP happy.MASC.NOM.SG thing.NOM.PL can.SUBJ.3SG be.INF worse.NOM.PL then smile.PAST.1SG and be.PAST.1SG happy.MASC.NOM.SG and thing.NOM.PL become.PAST.3PL worse.NOM.PL "A voice said to me: 'Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!' Then I smiled and was happy. And things became worse." (Spoken Barakhinei would also add phatic particles -- probably "Rid êr ez lerchê *ma*!" to emphasise the imperative and "Shkozi olokîn avekuri *kokue*" to express lamentation that things got worse.) Ismaîn: Va es,pagi sen: /va E"s`pagi sEn/ "Riz,i r" ezi lr"eje! /"riz`i r= "Ezi lr="Ez\E/ Es,kozi ebezeme ezn avegr"!" /E"s`kOzi EbEzEmE Ezn= a"vEgr=/ Oz,i riz,y /"Oz`i "riz`1/ R" fuz,e lr"eje. /r= "fuz`E lr="Ez\E/ R" es,kozi olos,yn avegr". /r= E"s`kOzi O"lOs`1n a"vEgr=/ (IMP = imperative; SUBJ = subjunctive; INF = infinitive) voice.NOM.SG say.PAST.3SG I.DAT.SG smile.IMP.2SG and be.IMP.2SG happy thing.NOM.PL can.SUBJ be.INF worse then smile.PAST.1SG and be.PAST.1SG happy and thing.NOM.PL become.PAST.3PL worse "A voice said to me: 'Smile and be happy! Things could be worse!' Then I smiled and was happy. And things became worse." Kebreni: Kaam ninize h'em: /ka"am ni"nize Cem/ "Pabautte agetu! /paba"utte a"getu/ Bonu h'av!" /"bonu Cav/ H'em pabautte katu /Cem paba"utte "katu/ Eh'c bonu h'uva. /eCc "bonu "Cuva/ (BEN = benefactive; PERF = perfect; IMP = imperfect; SUB = subordinate; VOL = volitional) spirit speak.BEN.PERF I laugh.SUB happy.VOL.IMP thing good I laugh.SUB happy.IMP and thing good.PERF "A spirit spoke to me and gave me advice: 'Laugh and be happy! Things are good!' I began to laugh and be happy And things were no longer good." Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>