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Re: translation exercise

From:Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>
Date:Sunday, February 8, 2004, 14:38
Elliott Lash wrote:

> (1) Io ei nowad íl? > "What is your name"
teov'rja pre-saçtø gørëjj ? [teov(o)^xja pxe:^sa.Ct9 g9xEj:] (indicative-retrospective-real)'thou which-name (immaterial quality into self) = Which name do you apply to yourself?
> (2) Pan ei Dinneg i. > "My Nindic is limitted/small"
rüxe-çakesar'sull teov'kja. [xyx\e:^Cakesax(a)^su4: teov(o)^kja] (diminutive-quantity of)-shaquelingua'(immaterial possessed object) (indicative-retrospective-real)'I = I contain a little quantity of shaquelingua.
> (3) Ni belchyr efann echidd. Neiddaw, seffraenaw ni. > "Do not question her. Please, I will take care of > her."
ske-dopëss tul'tëjj. [ske:^dopEs: tu4(u)^tEj:] none-question (immaterial object toward)'(him/her) = No question to her. jødaçç ; toj'kikh be-zaleri tóór'kja. [j9daC:] ; [toj(o)^kik_h be:^za4exi tOOx(O)^kja] please ; [from](him/her)'(immaterial quality acquired) worried (indicative-future-retrospective-narrative)'I = Please, (I say that) I will worry about her.
> (4) Ni ei mi boed, ei mi nachen echyth. > "I am no fool, but I am lost"
ske dóki-çókta lavifulu'vurr tiv'kja. [ske: dOki^CO.kta 4avifu4u^vux: tiv(i)^kja] none but-lost insane'behavior (indicative-progressive-real)'I = I am not insane but lost.
> (5) Ei gwechod íl nenne eraedd. Ban gwior i ieder > negior ni goth? > > "Your anger is very dangerous. Who will save her if > you hurt her?
teov'raja-tøçufa zexe-tsubaç'tull. [teov(o)^raja:^t9Cufa zex\e:^tsubaC(a)^tu4:] (indicative-retrospective-real)'thy-anger (augmentive-quantity of)-danger'(immaterial expressed object) = Your anger gives a lot of danger to perceive. dos'rja be-rileevo gør'tëjj ; [dos(o)^rja be:^xi4eevo g9x(9)^tEj:] (conditional-future-unreal)'thou suffering (immaterial quality into)'(him/her) = If you make her feel pain, jos'pra-juça be-këjhtaa gør'tëjj ? [jos(o)^pxa:^juCa be:^kEj.taa g9x(9)^tEj:] (implicative-future-unreal)'which-person rescued (immaterial quality into)'(him/her) = (then) which person will rescue her? Interesting exercise but not enough difficult! ;-) See ya, ===================== Remi Villatel =====================