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Re: translation exercise

From:Robert B Wilson <han_solo55@...>
Date:Thursday, October 10, 2002, 1:44
On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 14:09:01 -0400 Amanda Babcock <langs@...>
> In your language, express a native speaker's opinion of the > appropriateness > of the cat (or other domestic animal) peeing (or other disgusting > action) > on the bed (or other inappropriate place).
kinsi rorotan: mjeki ysivekaza dimati. ["m_jEx.e is.e"vEx.a De"maT.e] cat.NEUT.SING.AGNT IMP.urinate.NEG LOC.bed.NEUT.SING.AGNT or mjeki zak veki dimati! ["m_jEx.e Zax "vEx.e De"maT.e] cat.NEUT.SING.AGNT <expletive about as strong as f***, here used as an adjective> urinate.PAST LOC.bed.NEUT.SING.AGNT kontoko: nitkak bokun nattat! [nIs"kak "bog.un "nas%tat] 'the cat urinated on the bed!' <omitted etymology of 'nitkak'> native kontoko speakers don't like cats... Robert Wilson (Elentirno Pereldar) ( ><(((> ><(((> <)))>< ><(((> ><(((> I yessessë Eru ontanë Menel ar Cemen. I yessessë ëa Quetta ar Quetta né as Eru ar Eru né Quetta. "Ananwa," eque erye, "i ilúvë ná carmë Eruva. Ilyë nati nar tanwi Erullo."