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Re: Parseltongue

From:Camilla Drefvenborg <elmindreda@...>
Date:Monday, December 9, 2002, 21:19
Jeffrey Henning wrote:
> Does anybody have any information on Parseltongue, the snake language from > Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
I'm afraid not, however I do have a similar question. if no one minds another side-thread? has any even reasonably competent conlanger or other lingust taken a look at Robert Jordan's Old Tounge? there is quite a lot of written text available, possibly rivalling the original material written in Quenya. and according to the author, it is a complete, functional language. however, all the pages on it are linear glossaries, containing much guesswork. no one, to my knowledge at least, has attempted an actual linguistic analysis of it. --- Camilla


Shreyas Sampat <ssampat@...>Jordan was Parseltongue