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Re: ONOMATOPOEIA: Check out "Cross Linguistic Phonethemes"

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Sunday, March 31, 2002, 17:42
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> And the fact that words are arbitrary makes things so much more fun! Wouldn't > it be boring if all humans connected the same sound to the same concept?
Well, it is true that certain sounds have a tendency towards certain connotations, like /i/ tending to denote smallness, nearness, etc., and /u/ or /A/ the opposite. But, those are only statistical tendencies, frequently violated, as in "big" or "small" :-) -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>