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Re: Language-generating software (was Re: Replies to my Introduction)

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Monday, January 13, 2003, 12:41

Must... straighten... out... misunderstanding... nngg...

>Can you give me an example? I looked at the Rhean RPG site - very >impressive! But I couldn't find the language phonotactics.
That's something completely unrelated! The culture of RHEA, as born in the mind of an almost completely computer-illiterate high school student in 1996, is not now nor has ever been affiliated with the "Continent of RHEAN" on the RPG-related site you mentioned. I cannot take credit for any of the material you browsed there! In Sally Caves's survey I mentioned that I do not engage in role-playing games, nor is my conculture associated with one. I also have not constructed a Tolkien-inspired culture; the "Continent of Rhean" appears to be heavily inspired by Tolkien. My "Rhea" is a technologically near-"modern" nation on a parallel Earth (hell, it might even be a perpendicular Earth, for having pretty much NO shared history with ours). Any similarity between my project and the other one ends with the name. I intend to have a site for my stuff someday, but I still haven't worked through that "almost completely computer-illiterate" thing I mentioned above. I've managed to post some material here and there though. M