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Re: OT: Foreign Language Books using IPA

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Sunday, September 1, 2002, 19:37
Pavel Iosad wrote:
>Hello, > ><< But my real question is this: Does anyone know of a >textbook on learning a >foreign language (any will do, really) that uses the IPA rather than >pseudo-English? >> > >Believe it or not, in Russia English is taught with the IPA >transcription in the majority of schools from elementary level upwards. >The students are taught the pronunciation and the IPA symbols at the >same time, so at least they know how to transcribe English!
All my English and German textbooks in school has used IPA or variations thereof for indicating pronunciation. Unfortunately, I was sick during the week they taught how the IPA works - I eventually learned it on my own from other books. Nowadays, I think I'm safe to say I know it much better than any of my old classmates. Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: