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Re: Weekly Vocab #13

From:James Worlton <jworlton@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 25, 2003, 4:43
This is my first attempt at one of these. It was good for generating
vocab. and clarifying (or muddying :) ) the grammar. This one was chuck
full of idioms that I had to get rid of :), which made the whole process
more difficult.

for verbs - person (1, 2, 3), class (h, n), number (s, p)
      ex. .3hs means 3rd person, human, singular (1 and 2 singular
           persons are m/ale or f/emale instead of h/uman)
for nouns - acc/usative; dat/ive; com/itative; equ/ative
      nominative case is not indicated

In Orêlynna:

> 1. to bow - ðonêneyr (lit. "to bend oneself") > One should bow when passing the temple.
ilunda da* na ðonêneyr to-be-obligated.3hs.pres one.nom [compound v. marker] to-bow.inf bôki kelonda vaylenêthy when to-pass.3hs.pres temple-the.dat *da is the nominative case 3ps pronoun, which normally does not appear, since speaker information is encoded in the verb inflections. When it does appear, as in this case, it takes on a generic meaning, such as "one" in this case.
> 2. tradition - risôlaynna (lit. "communicated occurrence") > It is a tradition, and traditions tell us where we stand with God [or the > Universal Life Force, or the Verruca Gnome, or whatever is conculturally > appropriate].
eþ risôlaynnava ki eylântêl risôlaynnal oale la it tradition.equ and to-inform.3np traditions us.dat about anolonunaolsa* ralavandoky relationship.acc-our.gen God.comitative *nouns are rather agglutinative in Orêlynna, showing here a suffix for accusative case, as well as one for 1hp genetive. 3. - 8. to come later, maybe
> 9. magistrate, judge, elder - minda (lit. "leader") > Perhaps I'll be a magistrate some day.
ma vayro* mindava [subj. part.] to-be-like.1ms.fut leader.equ [some day is implied] *This means “to become” when in fut. tense. FYI 1fs would be vayra 10. to come later, maybe Whew! Down with the evil English idioms! ;) -- ============= James Worlton "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." --Unknown