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Re: Change and Sense Markers in rtemmu (was Re: Re: conlang greetings page)

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 17:31
On 5 Dec, J Y S Czhang asked:

> In rtemmu, how would ya describe a synaethesiac mix up of audiory & > visual stimuli? >
By joining -lor- and -yai- with the appropriate conjunction. (Note: the following conjunctions can also join words and phrases as well as infixes. In that event, they are written as separate words.) I wouldn't use "o`g" (o`=[O]), because that's a compound-maker: yyaio`glorgiha (y-yai-o`g-lor-giha) would be something like "visual-auditory happiness" and yloro`gyaigiha (y-lor-o`g-yai-giha) would be "audio-visual happiness". No synaesthesia implied. I wouldn't use "ag" because that asks the listener to take the previous process and add to it the following process, without taking into account any development on the parts of the processes; sort of creating an overall impression of the whole situation by panning from one detail to the next. -yaiaglor- would be "visual with auditory added in"; -loragyai- would be "auditory with visual added in" (Two words joined by "o`g" are more equal in [cognitive] weight than two words joined by "ag".) I wouldn't use the conjunction "zhihl" [ZIl]. Although this asks the listener to take into account the development of the previous process during the addition of the following process, I don't see this as indicating synaesthesia. I think the best bet would be to use "sehmu", which indicates that the first process "develops into" the second process. Thus: yyaisehmulorgiha (y-yai-sehmu-lor-giha) would be happiness resulting from visual input turning into auditory input. ylorsehmuyaigiha (y-lor-sehmu-yai-giha) would be happiness resulting from auditory input turning into visual input. In rtemmu, one could even conceiveably have a word like: pyyaisehmulorgihaai = a happy visual-to-auditory synaesthetic hallucination! or pylorsehmuyaigihaai = a happy auditory-to-visual synaesthetic hallucination! Dan Sulani -------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.


Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>