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Re: Old Norse (was Re: New to the list)

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Monday, June 26, 2000, 11:29
Vima / Carlo wrote:

      In Bulgnais it would look something like this:
"dóna zòuvena e ómen vècio fan fiù fénna al tét"
Wow, you stayed here an year and you learned to speak one of those our helly difficult dialects? Really good! I don't like bulgnais, but I must admire you! << "Carlo ??? Hey, where are you from?" I'm quite American - you know, the usual mongrel mix of something like Bavarian, Scotch-Irish, Cherokee, Pennsylvania Dutch, and other fine stocks. However, a couple years ago I took a leave of absence from my school and studied in Bologna with the fine folks in the Dipartimento (gia' Istituto) di Glottologia at the University there, hence the nickname "Carlo."
I'd really like to enter a Departiment of Glottology or Linguistics, but what can you do today with a degree in those subjects? As I often say to my parents I'll get one of those degrees, in Philosophy or Linguistics, maybe Theology... to become an unemployed! Luca