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Re: question - Turco-Japanese (a thought experiment for the group here)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 23, 2004, 23:08
>>caeruleancentaur wrote:
>>Kirk and messe, church Mass from the French. It doesn't involve >>Mass any more, just good eats. I'm wondering if the word was >>introduced by the French troops in the 1800s.
>Joe wrote:
>Surely, 'kirk' is (non-Anglo-Frisian) Germanic...
Actually, the American Heritage Dictionary says its Dutch. The Germanic peoples seem to have chosen 'kyriakos' to name the new Christian community (church, Kirche, kirk, etc.), while the Romance languages went with 'ekklesia' (église, iglesia, etc.). I'm still wondering how the word &/or custom got to Mexico. I don't know how old the custom is, but I can't imagine it being of other than Spanish or French provenance. Charlie