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Re: Shaxepere; was: Natlag

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 0:50
--- Sally Caves <scaves@...> wrote:

> Snicker! An' it's lagging, ain't it! > > I see these insults as infelicitous illocutions,
But fun nonetheless! If it's a class
> exercise, or an example made of your excellent and > jocular re-invention of > fustilarian, Adam,
> > So hit me with a C-insult.
Alas and alack, but I do lack The wherewithall to mount the attack!
> > indolent, temulent, tallow-catching wench, > Sally
I really haven't worked out much, though I'm sure that swine and dogs would figure in the vocabulary, as would rude references to other's religions. I do know a few versions of "speak of the devil" (thanks to an off list discussion) which would be highly insulting when spoken outside the community of one's fellow religionists. Oh and then there's the saying that translates to "treacherous as a Sicilian". Sicilians find it less than amusing. But I have yet to work out the standard repetoir of insults and abuses. Adam Dichiruns sivi, «In il Betuemi djul Judja pervia azig niscrivid peu'l davri, «Ed tu, Betuemi djal terra djal Judja, nun si djils daliris djal Judja ul mindrisimu puña vinijid djil ti il daliri fin paxed ul mi pobuu, il Istreli.» Mach 2:5-6