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Re: Language superiority, improvement, etc.

From:Gerald Koenig <jlk@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 13, 1998, 11:49
> >If small matters CAN lead to differences in language ease and >efficiency, it seems likely that we are being inaccurate to say >all languages are the same in their usability in effective communication > >Best regards, Leo Moser >
I hope your are correct, otherwise I am a damned fool for trying to make NGL a better language than English. So far I have convinced myself, and probably no one else, that I have devised a more compact and accurate tense system than English. It's good to hear that at least one other person does believe there is a difference between languages in overall effectiveness. Not all swiss army knives are born equal. But skepticism is easier to support than belief. Gerald Koenig