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Re Inhapxuom

From:Gerald Koenig <jlk@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 13, 1998, 11:17
Carlos writes:
> >Two versions, as far as I've translated. The first pretends to be in >Traditional Verb Tenses, the second one in Vector Tenses. I'll try a PVS >version later on.
Carlos: It has been and continues to be (past perfect progressive tense) a great thrill to see you use VTT. You are the very second person on the planet to publish anything in it.Thanks much. Your usage is excellent, especially considering what little information you have had. I will comment below. I'll just comment tense.
> >Inh`pxum > > >1.Mi bi ad 'ek vu u' 'ekhapxues am ins`ho u' mis facil lum inh`pom.
^^ I think it would be better to use "ed" here. It is the difference between the English "has believed" and "had believed", or past perfect and pluperfect. I can't find a Spanish pluperfect in my Manul de Gramatica. The word "ed" sounds like a present tense because it is an alias for "mu de te" or "mu de ke", but it's past. It looks like this: 'ek !-------@=====>-*-----> ed mu The "instantaneous now" or mu is right of (past) the current (te) predicate. "ed" is really a past tenser, either linked to the head of the vector in a continuing action or just out of the vector. In "Los Griegos nos han dejado el arquetipo de la tragedia" "han dejado" is preterito perfecto. It is a continuing action in the present even though it's called perfected, completed, in the past. Same problem in english and I have a special tense for it called linked, but for now "ed" will do. The point is, "ed" is past perfect tense and it corresponds to ha +verb.
>2.Mi bi ad 'ek vu u' laum inmje, inkja, insho u' q faciors.
great! you can combine any of these, at least after I clean them up for ambiguities. you could say "mi bad" or "mib ad", but I have to start out with the full forms too.
>3.Mi bi ad belan vu & ad 'ek ce ke mi vu ad 'ek u' faci wa'as ke vus
ed for have, ad for had. mi+vu=miv, if u want. ^^ great to see this possesive, vus, put right to work! kailpa ingl ad aceje.
>4.Wa'as ke vus kas ingul ad zier q ohac.
[wa'as ke looks like adonde to me, i like it] "oho em in ka zier" means "air has not been able to touch". ka is the "able-to, puede" modal. in+ka=inka. The "em" can be embedded in the verb before the first vowel. "oho inka zemier."= air has not been able to be touched. 5.> Wa'as ke vus nom 'ekcifacije & ozofacije. new possesive again, thanks for trying it out.
>6. Mi bi ad moriyaom :at momoents:.
"at moments" The vector word, "lehi" means a short time interval, and could be used here. Since it is in the plural, it is a repetive action, and the iterater word "re" or "it",( I'm still working on those), is needed. We can say "re lehi" for moments repeated, and nir (within) for during. "nir re lehi"= within repeated short vectors (time-spans).
>7 Mogje!
>8,Vu u'moje :too much: ka u' xili >facilad je vus nom | q inshoi'om
biuho 'ayhoi'a. vu nir mi= you are [located] within me in VST. Maybe a metaphor marker could be used here. Maybe not.
>9.U'moje :too much: ka u' >xili laum fuyo mi 'ek ec ke mi vu ad 'ek
kiov vus :record: kailpa & :search: q zier vus kas. > demasiado is too much, tan is so much. "so much" carries the connotation of very much. Here is my translation of the Spanish. 1.I have believed I saw you in those dreams lost into my memory upon awakening. 2.I have believed I have seen you in the alien, foreign, lost faces of others. 3. I have believed I have [begun to] forget you, and to see what I saw in you in other places where your track has not been able to be. 4. ..where the air has not been able to be touched by your breath. 5...where your name might have another meaning and another false appearance. 6.I've believed for moments in escape. 7.What a mistake! 8.You are so much within me that your name or the lost image of your eyes is entirely recalled. 9.[you are] so much within me that in every face I only see what I saw in you; [you are so much within me] that every face yields up [suggests] your footprints, and in every face I look for the touch of your breath. A very moving story. Fate should bring these people together again. Jerry Sp
>The original in Spanish is: > > Despertar > > He cremdo verte en los sueqos perdidos en mi memoria al despertar. He >cremdo verte en los rostros ajenos, extraqos, perdidos de los demas. He >cremdo olvidarte y ver lo que vi en ti en otros lugares donde tu huella no >ha podido estar. Donde el aire no ha podido ser tocado por tu aliento. Donde >tu nombre tenga otro sentido y otro color. He cremdo por momentos escapar. >Qui error. Estas tan en mm que en todo recuerdo esta tu nombre o la imagen >perdida de tus ojos. Tan en mm que en todo rostro sslo veo lo que vi en ti >para dejar tu huella grabada y buscar el toque de tu aliento. > >A translation into English would be: > > Waking > I've thought I've seen you in those dreams lost into my memory at waking. >I've thought I've seen you in the odd, straange, lost faces of other. I've >thought I've forgotten you and I've seen what I saw on you, in other places >where your footprint hasn't posibly been. Where air hasn't posibly been >touched by your breath. Where your name has another sense and another >color. I've thought at moments I've escaped. What a mistake! You are >inside me so deeply than in every memory there is your name or the lost >image of your eyes. So deeply inside me than in every face I can only see >what I saw on you for leaving your footprint recorded ans searching the >touch of your breath. > >I would like if Pablo or other could help me with a better translation into >English (maybe a commented one). > >Thank you > >-- Carlos Th > > > > > >