>From: "Nathaniel G. Lew" <natlew@...>
>Greetings, conlanger!
>I joined the list over the summer, and very soon had to leave it relocate
>3000 miles away from my former home and take up a new job. Well, I am
>back. Furthermore, a radically updated version of my conlang Bendeh is
>available at
>I apologize for the fact that it is all one long file -- I have no time
>for html these days, so I published it straight out of the word
>processor. There are also a number of typos and formatting errors, not to
>mention several missing chunks of grammar, but it gives you an good idea
>of what I am working on right now. It is a lot to digest, but I would
>love comments and questions.
Wellcome back Nathaniel, altho' I can't remember seeing you earlier - very
probably you joined and disjoined during my summer abscence form the list.
When I get some time, I'll even try to read that Bendeh article ...
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