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vocab/translation 1-5

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 17, 2004, 2:13
These finally push the Rhean lexicon over 3000 words!
(the 3000th word was derpek "to hurt, cause pain (to)", derived as needed
from der(e)p "pain". Is that a bad omen?)

Rachel Klippenstein wrote at various times:

>uti ka takiku uone kata Kekoarairae a >i don't want to live in an Anarchy.
i Bizrekzadom ivrek mu hos'am.
>uti noku roesi Na iseru a >i think About languages a lot.
Ora izkim knas'tem karjim. (ora is redundant here)
>otu tu Siti i >are you an Adult?
¿Ikti c'et?
>uti takiku Nata koimu asio ro uti a >i want to see my parents Again.
yai findain Zaiyem mirek hos'am.
>uti ka niika Akoho a >i don't like Alcoholic-drinks.
Uluk'öliksoi diok'in mu kunim. OR |Bembyokin| for |uluk'öliksoi diok'in| 2:
>uti ha tame Nona nerokamisa ti Nona imoyosi a >i ate the Whole bananna and All the olives.
veneba Polz ki ibuir Andad tafaim.
>uti ka rani nemoera tu Ena a >i don't often enjoy being Alone.
Adnec' c'ek tülpem mu kunim.
>uti ha Teteki koimu iresa ta esa hurine a >i've Already seen flowers this spring.
toya visna zaarin Viom miriom.
>uti ha Eke tame nemai a >I Also ate bread.
k'leban S'ki tafaim.
>iresa ranai Tuini yeiro a >flowers grow Among the trees.
Bai bolamim zaari zmocaz. 3:
>otu tamoka na Kekoarairaehi i >do you believe in Anarchy?
¿Bizrekzakaf c'u k'rudat?
>tesemo ha ho mikoru toma Okosa arai a >the victim got killed by an Angry person.
ziznik kros'ios' ai Irekec' pök.
>Erano uone kata eiro kata oriki ro uti a >an Animal lives in a tree in my garden.
i yai ujinom i bolamom Yuc'a ivre.
>Saniki siore ra arema ro uti a >an Ant is walking on my leg.
ot yai jambam anduar Iru anc'e.
>yuti ki Some nemai i >do we have Any bread?
¿yezem k'lebar anc'e? (doesn't appear; "with-us of-bread is-there?") 4:
>uti ha sehoku Reka ro uti ti aku neike a >i scraped my Arm and it hurts.
yai Rukan trahtiom ki yan derpe. (reka - ruka ... there had to be one sooner or later)
>mahanama ha Hemoku manikoso se eki ha tareko yore toma orekasi a >a policeman has Arrested the man who stole books from the library.
milic o kra krodadröza krodin zoriz'ais'na otok' gzacios'.
>uti ha tu kinera ro ikani Ta eka ekaiti a >I was a neighbour of the king At that time.
eya nima s'uza yarurz as'em. (doesn't appear; time words are adverbs and stand alone)
>uti ha uone To samoka a >I lived At the beach.
U ftom ivriom.
>yuti ki Minese tosa imisa a >we have At-least six fruits.
yezem Kos'tas'om s'ok üyafi anc'ez. 5:
>me arai tamoka na Kekoatayahi te eki ka tamoka na ataya a >if someone believes in Atheism, then they don't believe in god.
adis dirkure Bizdunc'akaf k'ruda ba, yad mu k'ruda.
>uti ki Seome na oise yooko se ataya ha rokiya a >i'm in Awe of the beautiful beasts that God made.
nap Yad g'aduios'na nora lömim yak'em Nerec anc'e.
>Kaki tu neto oru toma koku a >a Baby is younger than a child.
Rhebyo dla k'odo fözyan.
>yuti nako ira Hinaru ti mani ore ro uti a >we hafta go Back and find my book.
Trek'em yuradve yai krod bulmak fadimu.
>uti ha koti Mirari a >i threw the Ball
Jur valdaim. M