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Re: Re : Malat

From:Garrett <3jones@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 9, 1998, 2:34
No, i haven't... i've only read one book about language, which was by Mario
Pei. I got the idea from Rick Morneau's Lexical Semantics (who says the same
thing also).

Nik Taylor wrote:

> Garrett wrote: > > verbs can be made pretty close to logical; nouns can't. The nouns that > > I've been deriving are ones based on verbal concepts; I haven't touched > > the purely noun concepts (such as dog, house, street, etc). > > Have you ever read _Words in Context_ (also published, sans a chapter, > as _Japanese and the Japanese_)? The author makes a similar argument - > he argues, quite persuasively, that most verbs can be defined exactly, > while non-derived nouns cannot. > > -- > "It has occured to me more than once that holy boredom is good and > sufficient reason for the invention of free will." - "Lord Leto II" > (Dune Chronicles, by Frank Herbert) > > ICQ #: 18656696 > AOL screen-name: NikTailor
-- -Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. -Garrett Jones aka Alkaline Rising Sun - C&C2: Tiberian Sun - Malat -