From: "David Peterson" <DigitalScream@...>
> In a message dated 4/20/01 12:10:25 AM, and_yo@HOTMAIL.COM writes:
> << Since the vowel I have in "bird" etc is a plain old schwa, I assume
> got something different? Retroflex schwa [@`] ? [R] is a consonant in
> Well, I just don't know SAMPA. The vowel I'm thinking of is the schwa
> with the hook on the end. Is that retroflex schwa? Anyway, to someone
> speaks California English, do you have an adequate description for the
> I'm talking about?
It's a rhoticized schwa, spelled /@`/. I don't think it's necessarily
retroflex, but rhoticity on vowels takes the same diacritic that indicates
retroflexibility on consonants (in SAMPA, anyway), so it gets called that...