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Re: I'm new!

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Saturday, October 21, 2000, 1:21
I'll join the gang in welcoming you!

James O'Connell wrote:
> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Jim Hopkins" <Espero9@...> > To: <CONLANG@...> > Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:53 PM > Subject: Re: I'm new! > > > We would all love to see more of your language. > > (Ár báshit sholáris shúnya shéy mogáris brinyánen.) > That is kind, and I will endeavour to put the output of my labour onto the > net within time. For now though, a short grammar and lexicon can be found at >
Score! I'll look it over when I have the chance, I love reading about languages, allways chock full of refreshing ideas.
> > When did you start constructing languages? > > (Ránti tá sitsholovó sítya mabugyáve?) > Good question! > Maybe when I was 9 or 10. I remember the first thing I put together > resembling a language had a lexicon composed of near latin-borrowings and a > grammar which showed an OSV word order and agglutinating verb endings to > show person/tense. I can't tell you when I created that. Since then there > have been many little languages most not reaching beyond about 100 words in > vocabulary, although one language, Minervan, a mock-european language > reached around 500 words.
Pretty sweet. OSV word order and agglutinating verb endings? I can tell you that my first attempts at conlanging were no where near as clearly designed as that.
> Tell us more about yourself! > (Shéri báshey mogése arrúvya!) > > Ok, I'm James O'Connell, I'm 14 years old, 3/4 English, 1/4 Irish, and live > not far from the wonderful township of Ipswich in the South East of England. > I was born, however, in Westminster, London. > I adore football, tolkien, food, sleep, squah, linguistics, web design, > computer games and roman history.
Ah! A young'un. Well, I'm only 15, so it's not too different. My mom's side of the family is pretty much 3/4 English and 1/4 Irish, so we have that in common - my dad's side is entirely Polish. We also share interests in food, sleep, linguistics, and computer games! Those four are the sweetest things known to man, the first 2 more so than the second two.
> What is the name of the language you are working on now? > (Kiinízhe mishtaratyíra tá shól shéri kiíney tsórni vadikyáre?) > > It has no name at the moment, as I will wait till an appropriate name comes > to mind.
Ah, an un-named language. Just relax, and the name will come. Always does.
> Is it your only project? > (Késh iíd báshit múrnit úchas onyára?) > > At the moment, yes. > Will there be others? > (Késh tamágit uchasovó lafiyázhe?) > > Maybe, but I hope not - I hope to really knuckle down on this one and get it > somewhere respectable.
Good - we need more people with a strong work ethic in this world. I'd like to say that's what I'm doing with Ajuk, but it's not so - I've got at least 3 embryonic langs in the works right now. Welcome to Conlang! Relax, have fun - no where like it on the 'net. -- Robert