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Dutch surnames (scatological warning!)

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Monday, April 6, 2009, 10:20
This turned up on a local Ethnic Network list that I watch.  I would be
interested if someone with more knowledge on Dutch nomenclature can
provide more information, especially if I can feed it back.  It is
interesting if it is true as I recognise the name Zondervan still
survives as a publishing house.

<quote>Napoleon made it compulsory for the Dutch to list a surname in
1811. Some, to protest this imposed requirement (there were surnames
earlier but they kept changing according to naming conventions), gave
their surnames which were funny/strange/obscene:
Suikerbuik (Sugarbelly)
Uiekruier (Onion-crier)
Naaktgeboren (Born naked)
Poepjes (Little shit)
Schooier (Beggar)
Scheefnek (Crooked-neck)
Rotmensen (Rotten people)
Zeldenthuis (Rarely at home)
Zondervan (without a surname)
Borst (breast)
Piest (to urinate)
The idea was that this would be something impermanent. But once the
register started, the names became permanent. There are those like de
Jong (the young), de Groot (the great), etc. I will love to hear more
on this from some Dutch person (or another) on this forum who may be
able to shed more light on this.<unquote>

Andrew Smith  --  --

"If you are gonna rebell you have to wear our uniform."


Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets <>
René Uittenbogaard <ruittenb@...>
G. van der Vegt <gijsstrider@...>
Roger Mills <romiltz@...>
caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>