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Re: fengxing (was Re: Familynames (was [OT] Re: Conlangea Dreaming)

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Monday, October 16, 2000, 3:19
On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, Steg Belsky wrote:

> Among the Rokbeigalm, (whose {m} in the name i just realized is > syllabic), calligraphy is the art of writing words so that all the > letters in each word are connected, and however many words you have, all > the letters in all of them form a single visual unit - so having jagged > lines in one part and curves in another wouldn't work. This usually > works in horizontal lines, but i can imagine Rokbeigalmki artists more > skilled than me being able to nest letters inside eachother, draw > pictures, etc. out of interwoven letters.
Interesting--I like the connections. Chevraqis is written similarly, but vertical, and all the letters in a word are connected via a vertical line that runs straight down (syllabic written organized around vowels, and each vowel has that straight vertical stroke). In fact, all the words in a column are connected, with a null-grapheme (a loopy sort of thing) indicating the end of any word that *doesn't* end in a consonant. Yours manages to actually look alphabetic, though; Chevraqis looks logographic (to my eye and others' so far) even though it isn't even close. With what is Rokbeigalmki written? Theoretically Chevraqis is written with brush and ink, though I designed it in pen/cil (I've been discovering various possible nestings and interweavings as you've mentioned!). Ink and brush are things I'm wary of carrying in my backpack, considering how apt I am *not* to close the ink container tightly enough, and you just can't get Chinese or Winsor-Newton out of things.... YHL