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Re: Singing in foreign langs

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, January 13, 2003, 21:00
En réponse à Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>:

> guess it has more to do with my inability to concentrate on more > sounds > simultaneously (for example, I am completely unable to have a > conversation in a > loud café, or with a radio or TV switched on). And the music always wins > it > from the words. >
Well, you have exactly the same problem as me!! I also can't have a conversation in a pub or anything where lots of people are speaking at the same time. My friend told me it was a consequence of a strong sense of curiosity: I just cannot cut myself from the ambient noise because there may somewhen be something interesting to pick up from there. And it's all unconscious of course ;)) . But with me it's often the words that win over the music, which makes it difficult to remember a tune :((( . Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.