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Re: Basicas

From:Brad Coon <bradandjen@...>
Date:Thursday, December 16, 1999, 0:36
Jeffrey Henning wrote:
> > My own "semantic primitive list" has 400. I've found fewer than 400 to be > too difficult to use: > > > > I looked at close to ten thousand words, over a period of 3+ years, to come
Your process reminds me of what I did when I began working on Nova 20 odd years ago. My goal too was 400. Since my lg came with a culture attached I eventually had to reject that goal. I now have 557 primary wordbuilding morphemes, 86 secondary deriving morphemes, 164 particles, and 125 inflection morphemes. Yes Nova is very heavily inflected and since its base 20 will have a lot more numerals as well. I just took my first look Dublex. It looks like you are inventing an oligosynthetic lg. Nova has always been the only one I was aware of although it seemed like a natural system. Nova forms new words much like you do. One of the main differences seems to be that Nova's morphemes, other than the particles can not stand alone as words but must be combined. Look forward to seeing how you progress. -- Brad Coon (My conlang and conculture pages) If its tourist season, why can't we shoot them?