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Re: Relay?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Sunday, May 26, 2002, 9:34
En réponse à Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>:

> > Common mistake. :-) Perhaps the moderator should change our > description thereon to make it clear that you can't post from there? >
But it's clearly indicated in the description of this Yahoo!Group once you're subsrcibed that it is only an archive list and that you cannot post from it. I don't know how you could make it clearer...
> > Well, there hasn't been any talk of starting a relay, but I have some > texts that could be suitable for a relay, if other people are > interested > in starting a new one. >
Hey, would that a nice thing to put in the first issue of the Conlang Journal? :)) Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.