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Re: Mapudungun glossary: English translation wanted please

From:Javier BF <uaxuctum@...>
Date:Friday, January 16, 2004, 22:53
>Hi all, > >Could anyone translate http://www- into English for me? I don't speak Spanish, unfortunately. And I doubt any of the machine translation tools around would work (e.g. Google's 'Language Tools' etc.).
> >Thanks, >--Robert
Here you are: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A adkintun to look at (mirar) afumün to cook or to boil [context needed for accurate translation] (cocer, a . . .) akun to arrive (llegar) aling fever (fiebre) alu verbal morpheme: indicates a less determining futurity than simple future (morfema verbal: indica futuridad menos determinante que el futuro simple) allkütun to listen to (escuchar) am 1.interrogative word (palabra de interrogación) 2.used in construction with a possessive, indicates finality and instrument (usado en una construcción con posesivo indica finalidad e instrumento) amun to go (ir) amukonü to go away with the flood (irse por el agua (en casos de inundación)) amutun to leave (irse) an·tü day (día) anümka plant (planta) anün to sit down (sentarse) araw plough (arado) auto car, automobile (auto) awkantun to play games or with toys (jugar) ayen to make laugh (dar, causar risa) ayiwün to be or become glad or happy (alegrarse) ayekan to laugh no matter what (reir siempre, reir sin embargo) ayekan wentru swindler (funny, ashamed) (hombre truhán (gracioso, avergonzado)) ayekantufe kind of joker who also plays instruments (persona que hace gracias, que toca varios instrumentos) ayekantulün to enjoy something (divertir a alguno) ayekantun to have a good time chatting, joking, dancing, listening to music (divertirse alegremente con conversaciones, chanzas, bailes, música) ayekantun düngu entertainment (diversión) ayiwkiawün to be glad or happy (andar contento) aylla nine (nueve) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C chafon, chafo cough (toser, tos) challwa(n) a fish, to fish (pescar, pescado, pez) chamall woman's dress (vestido de mujer) changkiñ island (isla) chaw father (padre) chadi salt (sal) che people (gente) chew where (dónde) ¿chewpüle? where? in what place? (¿en qué lugar?) chey maybe (tal vez) chi 1.verbal morpheme: modifies a following noun (morfema verbal: modifica a un sustantivo siguiente) 2. 1st person desiderative (desiderativo de primera persona) chichatun to drink 'chicha' (tomar chicha) chifu billy goat (chivo) chiway sea foam (espuma de mar) ¿chumalu am? what for? (¿para qué?, ¿a qué?) ¿chumi am? what did s/he do? what happened to him/her (¿qué hizo?, ¿que le pasó?) ¿chumwechi am? how? (¿como?) ¿chumwelu am? why? (¿por qué?) chumüñ interrogative: "when" (interrogativo: "cuándo") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D defe debt (deuda) defelen to owe (deber) dew an action that has fully started (una acción que ha comezado plenamente) dewman do (hacer) 2.indicates an action that has just started (indica una acción que está comenzando recién, ya) deya sister of a male (hermana de varón) dingen to reach (alcanzar) domo woman (mujer) domo lamngen sister of a female (hermana de una mujer) doy accompanies a verb in comparative sentences (va junto al verbo en las oraciones comparativas) doy pürü quicker or faster (más rápido) dungun to speak (hablar) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [to be continued] Cheers, Javier