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Re: Same name (was Re: Brithenig-heads)

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 3:47
Eric Christopherson

> I've been wondering for a few years where the various James/Jacob names > came from and how they related to each other, especially in Spanish. I > often see Diego cited as being equivalent to James, with nothing to
> this. Is Diego related to (San)tiago, as it seems to be? (Also the > Portuguese name Tiago) If so, my theory is this: > > Latin SANCTE IACOBE "Saint Jacob" (vocative) > Spanish Santi Yagüe* > > Santiago; reanalyzed as San Tiago, thus the name Tiago. Dunno how exactly > Diego could come from that, but it does look close...
Plosive voicing is a common feature in Spanish evolution from Latin, then a Sanct Iacob reanalized as Sanc Tiacob, that Tiacob could have derived into Diago or Diego (how vowels have changed is not clear to me). Well, I'm just guessing after I have no evidence suporting this nor I know when those changes took place (voicing of voiceless stops and elimination of voiced ones). -- Carlos Th