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Re: TAN: Please format to 70 positions or less.

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 4:11
 Sally Caves wrote:
> > I know how to do this; in that "..." that you bracketed of > my comment above I actually described this self-same > procedure, which is almost more tedious than retyping it! I > really think I would like to switch to Eudora, if I could > get myself to go to the trouble of downloading and paying > for the pro version. What I would really like in a mailer > is: the flexibility of PINE (to create topicalized folders > that would act like the SENT file of Netscape; to offer
Well, in Netscape Messanger (or Outlook Express, and possible several other MS Windows email readers) you can create folders, and even subfolders and you can make filters that automatically store your incoming mails based on subject, sender or body content (check Edit | Edit filters).
> you several types of UNIX editing formats like PICO or > MUSH) with the ductility of windows. I'd like it to
Don't know about MUSH... don't quite understand this requirement, but there some trips I've been using with Netscape: you can edit your file in any text editor (like Notpad or MS Word), copy and paste the content in the Netscape window. Also I haven't have any problem with my defined linewidth in Netscape (I'm now using MS Outlook Express, which I haven't tamed yet but seem to be similar). I just don't worry when editing, I just write paragraphs as in a word processor and the program will wrap them to the defined linewidth. The only requirements: not to put hard line breaks in the paragraph and put hard line breaks between lines not belonging to a paragraph. Anyhow, If I would set my linewith to 70, if I reply a 70 chars line, with the added "> ", will become a 72 line and last word will be set in next line, so there is no a real solution with automatically editing software.
> keep that wonderful option of clicking on someone's URL > and calling up their webpage (which UNIX PINE didn't have, > and which I'm not sure that WINDOWS PINE has either). > I'd like to have the whole window to view my inbox with.
In Netscape 4.5 just click the shaded part of the division bar and you can hide the folders outline view (and then click N to jump to the next unread message), or dubble click the message you want to look and maximize its window.
> There's probably some way to fix it in Netscape, but I > have to charge up and down about an inch of space to > see sometimes fifty messages.
Well, I'm also in the search of the perfect mail reader... one that handles threads like Nescape but consolidates several POP3 and IMAC accounts (and my new toy: Hotmail accounts) allowing to share folders and send the message from the chossen account, as Outlook Express allows it and a reply to real sender option (and not replay-to address) as PINE has. -- Carlos Th