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Re: Phoneme winnowing continues

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Friday, June 6, 2003, 18:59
MJR> Why can /x/ not appear by itself in the middle?

HT> Erm, it can.  All consonants can appear alone.  The restrictions are
HT> for clusters only.  Sorry.

Yeah, I wasn't going by the cluster restrictions you listed, but by the
documentation you set.  It doesn't give any strokes for /x/ as the middle

// Middle consonant cluster:
//       17 = t,   18 = s,  17+18 = ts
//       13 = n,            13+14 = nt
//       21 = k,   22 = k,  21+22 = kx
//       15 = N,            15+16 = Nk
//       19 = ?,   20 = h,  19+20 = l

See?  No x. :)

And is anything done to the glyph to connect the strokes - maybe
via the other, non-phonetic half?  Or do they stay isolated in space?



Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>