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Christmas carol

From:Heather Rice <florarroz@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 18, 2001, 9:03
Here's a little bit of holiday cheer, guys.  I
translated "Angels from the Realms of Glory" into my
conlang.  By the way, I haven't figured out a name for
this new conlange.  Ideas are welcome.

Anyway, here is an interlinear in "Conlang X."

Ba'su'ns e'li' tta'fij dzma'loo
Angles from place-Sp of-light

A'e' fu'ke gweimatli'c yu'blipo'nsla'h
Through    earth-Sp happy-fly-3pp-please

Tlusla'h to'ma'j dmba'dgo' yu'kclaimo's tta'
You-polite-polite story of-creation happy-sang-3pp

Lailai bezmo'zlin dmzi'a'c' yu'yaamsla'h
Now birth of-Messiah happy-shout-3pp-please

Gu'ttfa'la'h ak gu'uibnla'h (repeat)
Command-come-please and command-worship-please

A' kr'i'sto's ma'j wa'wa' gu'uibn
To Christ king baby command-worship.

I know, I know, the words don't fit the tune.  Please
forgive me, but I didn't have the time, patience nor
vocabulary to fully get this worked out.

Because of funny fonts (and my embarrassed ignorance
of IPA symbols) I had to write my vowels special.

Merry Christmas!

Or ksemtlustekar iirsans helen mikve arabya itl gnai
san, teka i muczluc llumn.
You know you're in trouble when your math papers look
more Greek than Arabic.

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Irina Rempt <irina@...>