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Re: Stress marking (was: Re: CONLANG Digest - 14 Oct 2000 (maglangs plea!))

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, October 16, 2000, 15:33
>Same with me: i (rarely y) is used for both /i/ and /j/: iou /ju/: I >(funny, >again a resemblance in orthography :) ), ou for both /u/ and /w/: mouert >/mwEr/: >death, and u for both /y/ and /H/: lui /lHi/: him (it happens to be >identical >with French lui).
As a friend and I often say in chat, "We must be having a hive mind moment":). Anyway, u is also used for /w/ in my conlang: nòue - /no:we/
> > >I've not yet found an example where i, ou or u would appear between two >vowels
In mine it happens all the time, especially since b and v (originally /B/) switched back to their old Latin pronunciation of /w/ (but, this is only in between vowels. Otherwise it's /B/). And, since the /j/ remained in Montreiano (as in Spanish, like "mayor"), it is often between vowels, as in the name of the language itself: Montreiano - /montrejano/
> > > >In "Roumant", stress is a tricky point as it is only partly marked in >orthography.
Well, in Montreiano, i've decided to follow Spanish a bit, usually stress is on the penult, but when not, it's marked on the word to indicate that.
> >I insisted on "graphically" and "written" because like French, "Roumant" >orthography is regular but not phonetic, and there are lots of silent >letters or >di- and tri-graphs.
I like that. Even though I like phonetic orthographies, in other conlangs, it makes them interesting, because it decieves at first glance :) as French has done to me when I saw it the first time (I still dont fully understand it, but i havent really read up on it). Anyway, Montreiano will be phonetic (or at least regular), but i'm trying to make the orthography different. Some of my ideas are (to try and throw Romance speakers off a bit :)): c - /k/ in all positions. So, where say Spanish would write "que" I write "ce" ç - represents /ts/. This is the equivalent of c before i and e : çèga - Sp. ciega (having ç allows me to use c for /k/ in all positions) ñg - represents /N_j/ (not sure if I did the IPA correct there, but it's /N/ followed by /j/) : anno - añgo And to further throw people off, I had thought of doing the velar nasal as ñ: eñ - /eN/, but i'd probably have to change "ñg" to ñi - anno - añio