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Re: Questions about Hungarian

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Monday, May 3, 2004, 11:38

John Cowan <cowan@...> writes:
>... > Finnish is interesting here: 8 and 9 are "two less than *deksan*" > and "one less than *deksan*", but "deksan" (which is obviously IE) > is not the Finnish for 10.
Hmm? I thought one of the lemmas of 'yksi' is 'yhd-' and one of 'kaksi' is 'kahd-'. The numbers in certain forms show great similarity to the '-deksan' numbers. E.g. 'Kahden hengen' = 'of two beds' (phrase in genitive case) 'Kahdeksi yöksi/päiväksi' = 'for two nights/days' (phrase in translative case) 'Kahdeksan markaa' = 'eight Marks' (phrase in nominitive case, 'markka' in partitive case) Analogously: 'yksi'/'yhded'/'yhdeksi'/'yhdeksän'. My analysis up to now was that 'kahdeksan' was something like 'two off' / 'two away', without mentioning 'ten' in any way (no second stem for 'ten' in that word), just some ending: i.e., the that '-eksan'/'-eksän' was a certain ending on the lemmas 'yhd-'/'kahd-'. Your analysis would surprise me, because there are no lemmas 'yh-'/'kah-', but only 'yhd-'/'kahd-' of these numbers IIRC. There are 'yksi-', 'yhd-' and 'yht-'. Maybe some finno-ugrist could clarify. I'm confused now. **Henrik


John Cowan <cowan@...>