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Re: Conlang book

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 6, 2001, 2:19
On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 05:05:36PM -0600, Dan Seriff wrote:
> My conlang has a case that I've called "directional", for lack of a > better term. It is the counterpart of the locative case, used for an > item (any item) that is in motion (any kind of motion). I suppose you > could call it simply "lative", since the prefixes would refine its > meaning too much, but for some reason that looks silly to me.
[snip] Hmm, my conlang has a similar case called the "conveyant" (though the name sounds kinda contrived). It's also used for anything that is in motion, though it also includes transmitted information. How is the "lative" case used in your conlang? Is it a secondary case? In my conlang, it is a primary case. T -- IBM = I'll Buy Microsoft!