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Re: FYI re: Greenberg's Universals

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 4, 2000, 0:31
Jonathon Chang wrote:
> FYI: Greenberg's 1966 study surveyed only 30 languages: >Basque, Serbian, Welsh, Norwegian, Modern Greek, Italian, Finnish (European); >Yoruba, Nubian, Swahili, Fulani, Masai, Songhai, Berber (African); >Turkish, Hebrew, Burushaski, Hindi, Kannada, Japanese, Thai, Burmese, Malay >(Asian); >Maori, Loritja (Oceanic); >Maya, Zapotec, Quechua, Chibcha, Guarani (American Indian)
That's a horrible distribution! The European segment isn't bad, but the rest -- it left out huge portions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. And saying "Zapotec" is like saying "Germanic" -- there are currently at least 30 languages all called Zapotec, they can be very different. (For example, it doesn't seem like a single one of them has an identical pronoun system -- lots of cognates, but each language is very idiosyncractic and a reliable reconstruction has not been possible so far.) =============================== Marcus Smith AIM: Anaakoot "When you lose a language, it's like dropping a bomb on a museum." -- Kenneth Hale ===============================