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Re: FYI re: Greenberg's Universals

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Thursday, October 5, 2000, 1:47
Roger Mills wrote:

> Supposedly the original inhabitants were Austronesian > >speakers with a strict CV syllable structure. That native language forced > >a simplification of Japanese syllable structure (it is a known fact that > >Japanese syllables have simplified) and a reduction in the number of vowels > >(also known to be true). Personally, I have doubts about the Austronesian > >aspect.....> > >So do I, though again, "it would figure". _Everyone says_ it is so, but >I've never seen any very convincing citations of forms that show clear AN >origin. Not even in Miller. Perhaps the etymological scholarship is in >Japanese?
Perhaps. I'm not very up-to-date with the subject either. Miller is the most recent, most comprehensive treatment I've seen a reference to. =============================== Marcus Smith AIM: Anaakoot "When you lose a language, it's like dropping a bomb on a museum." -- Kenneth Hale ===============================